Basic Car Parts That You Need to Know

If you’re someone who is in the process of learning to drive, then it might not have occurred to you yet to learn all the basic parts of the car you’re driving. However, learning the essential parts can be beneficial for new drivers in the long run because they’ll be able to diagnose potential car problems that they might face.

Aside from this, knowing the necessary parts of your car will make you a well-honed driver. This doesn’t mean that you have to memorize all the parts overnight. Automobiles can be complicated things and learning about them may involve a lot of jargon and technical terms.

So here’s a comprehensive list of the parts of any car that you’ll probably find handy if your car’s acting up.

Engine Gaskets

Whether it’s Subaru gaskets or any other brand, gaskets serve the same purpose for a car’s engine. Despite being very small and uncomplicated, gaskets play a vital role in the functions of a car engine and your overall vehicle’s performance.

Gaskets come in all shapes in sizes: there’s the cylinder head gasket that prevents hot gases from getting into the coolant system, then there’s the camshaft gasket that prevents oil from leaking out of the engine. However, their primary role is keeping foreign objects or debris from entering the engine.

Aside from that, gaskets maintain the internal pressure in engines and keep fluids in place.

Tire Pressure

You may be wondering, how is tire pressure a part of your car? Well, since most people know what tires are for, it’s best to highlight the importance of tire pressure as something that comes with the tires of your car that need to be maintained as well.

When your tire pressure is too low, it’s more prone to wearing out sooner. A much more serious problem that low tire pressure poses is lead to tread separation, which can cause road accidents. If your tire pressure is too high, it may lead to a very bumpy ride for the driver and the passengers on board.

Always check if your tire pressure is around the recommended pressure for your tires.

Headlights and Taillights

Driving manMost people pay no mind to their headlights and taillights, but it’s important to note that without these bulbs, nothing will light the way when we’re driving at night. The headlights and taillights of your car serve the purpose of providing light whenever you need it.

Just in case you didn’t know, taillights are located at the back of your car (hence the word “tail”) while headlights are located in front. As a responsible car owner, you must take note that these lights will become dimmer with time.

Sometimes, one may go out before the other so make it a routine to check them from time to time because running with a faulty headlight or taillight can get you pulled over by a cop.

Vehicle Fluids

Several car fluids maintain your engine and ensure your driving to be safe and smooth. Engine oil lubricates the moving parts in your engine, preventing them from getting worn out. Coolant keeps your engine from overheating despite regular use.

Brake fluids lubricate your brakes to make sure your brakes work correctly. These fluids need to be checked and refilled regularly, so make sure to add that to your list of to-dos before hitting the road.

Conclusion: New car owners can always take the initiative to become better, well-honed drivers, and learning about the different parts that make your car run is just the first step! A little bit of knowledge about your vehicle will definitely go a long way.

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