When Should You Choose a Carport Over a Garage?

Homeowners often find it hard to decide between a carport and a garage. While carports usually cost less than garages, the latter offers better protection for vehicles.

A house with a garage also has a better chance of having a higher resale value, but that doesn’t mean carports aren’t a good choice when you want to sell your house in the future. If you live in Queensland, even the most expensive carports in the Sunshine Coast can still cost less than full-scale garages. Be aware of specific rules by your local council before planning to build a carport or garage.

Rules in Certain Cities

In the Sunshine Coast, the local council requires homeowners to build residential carports and garages at least six meters away from the roadside curb. You don’t want to risk having a complaint against the structure when it’s too close to the typical street. The council also doesn’t allow both structures to exceed 3.6 meters in height unless with prior approval.

The same restriction applies to the total floor area, which should remain within 56 square meters. If you recently bought a new house that’s more than 300 square meters, you need to seek a permit for on-site parking spaces when you plan to build a carport or garage. Make sure that the contractor observes these rules to avoid paying unnecessary fines or penalties.

Comparing Prices

Residential car port image Two roofsIt’s possible to spend less than $1,000 to build a carport. Modern kits are available that can be installed by yourself. On the other hand, a garage with a single roller door can cost ten times as much as a carport. Homeowners should request quotes from at least three home builders to compare the most reasonable prices.

Don’t forget to inquire about insurance coverage and licenses. You can also ask for a discount if you plan to pay the full amount in cash. Most contractors can offer lower rates during off-peak season, which can vary depending on where you live. Avoid hiring a contractor during weekends since they will likely charge a higher price.

Converting a Carport

You don’t have to demolish a carport if you want to convert the space into a garage. You might only need to install cladding, windows, and doors, depending on what’s missing with the existing structure. Colorbond and Zincalume cladding are some of your options ranging from around $13.00 per linear meter to approximately $20 per linear meter.

Weatherboard cladding is a cheaper option that only costs at least $10 per linear meter. The contractor will measure just how much you need for the conversion.

Carports are the better choice if you have a limited budget. You can build one as a temporary solution while saving money for a garage. If you’re inclined to build a garage because of resale value prospects, it’s better to consult a real estate agent before planning to splurge on a project. Property agents can assess the market in your area and determine if a garage can have a significant impact on your home’s value.

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