A Guide to Creating Safer Recreational Pools for Your Business

During summer, recreational pool businesses are at an advantage. More people are looking forward to enjoying hot summer days at their local public swimming pools. For this reason, public swimming pool businesses are more likely to gain a large amount of revenue without having to spend a lot of money on start-up costs.

In 2017, the swimming pool industry was instrumental in providing more than $36.5 billion and 382,000 job equivalents to the economy. The only major thing pool service companies need to accomplish to establish a profitable business is the cleanliness and maintenance of their pools. For most people, indulging in this kind of business may seem easy. However, ensuring that the health and safety guidelines for public swimming pools are being met can be a crucial and hefty responsibility.

Why is pool safety important?

Public swimming pools can expose their guests to multiple risks, especially since water, electricity, merrymaking are combined. For this reason, pool owners have pivotal roles in their businesses, as one slip-up can easily cost someone their life. Here are some risks that could negatively affect the business.

Drowning incidents

Drowning is considered third in the top 3 causes of unintentional injuries or death all over the world. The time a person struggles above the water is shorter than expected. That is why not a lot of people notice a person that is on the verge of drowning. Most of the time, these victims are young children. Without proper supervision from a lifeguard, drowning can be a frequent occurrence in public swimming pools.

kids jumping into a pool

Chemical and bacteria exposure

The pool can contain a variety of harmful bacteria and chemicals. As a lot of different people are using it, it will then require regular cleaning. To avoid a bacteria-filled pool, it has to be filtered and chemically treated all the time. The chemicals that are used are usually highly toxic and dangerous for the human body. That is why it is crucial to be particular with the swimming pool acid used for cleaning to reduce exposure to harmful chemicals.


Water combined with chlorine can be a great conductor of electricity. There may be cases wherein electrical equipment can reach the pool. When this happens, fatal electrocution can occur. For this reason, public pools should be equipped with ground fault circuit interruption (FCI) near the pool area. As a pool owner, it is vital to stay up to date with regular tests and maintenance to ensure the functionality of these devices.

About 6,000 pool injuries are recorded to have happened in 2016. That is why pool owners need to do their part and make sure that they don’t add to this growing number of complications. Fortunately, strict pool safety laws are being enforced. However, once a pol owner disobeys one of the obligations, it can be filed as a major offense that can cause penalties for the business. This can cost the business thousands of dollars and may even tint its reputation, leading to less profit and, ultimately, bankruptcy.

What are the necessary steps to take?

Prevention is better than cure. That is why it is essential to take steps that can allow you to prevent any possible accident. Primarily, it is best to familiarize and comply with the NSW laws for pool safety to avoid minor and major penalties. Create a checklist of safety protocols that need to be followed and strictly monitor your pool’s conditions.

Another way to achieve pool safety is to enforce pool fencing. In this way, your guests can be protected from potential pool-related misfortunes, especially when there are children involved. It can restrict children’s unsupervised access to the pool and ensures their safety.

Pools without proper fencing can seek the assistance of pool safety inspection and fencing companies to install an effective and reliable fencing system that can help you avoid accidents. Once the fencing is installed, have regular and thorough inspections scheduled and for maintenance and repairs.

On top of that, prohibit reckless activities like diving and running in the establishment. Put up clear and understandable signage covering pool safety and the risks of irresponsible behavior in the pool. Additionally, include guidelines about cleanliness and hygiene so that you can maintain the conditions of the pool’s water.

Overall, being aware of the possible risks and injuries that can happen in and out of the pool can help you prepare for effective emergency plans whenever an accident may arise. Follow the framework provided by the Work and Health Safety Act 2011 to protect your workers, guests, and business. To build a profitable and successful business, prioritizing pool safety is a must.

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