Real Estate Business: How to Be Inclusive

When it comes to real estate, inclusivity is key. To be successful, a real estate business needs to be welcoming to everyone, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, or physical abilities. For instance, the Americans with Disabilities Act is a law that requires businesses to make reasonable accommodations for employees or customers with disabilities. This could include making the business wheelchair accessible, providing sign language interpreters, or allowing service animals into the premises. By complying with the Disability Act, a real estate business can create an inclusive environment.

A real estate business must be inclusive to people with disabilities and everyone. Inclusiveness makes a real estate business create a positive and welcoming environment for all its clients and employees. This will help to attract and retain top talent, as well as continue to grow the business. A few key ways to be inclusive in a real estate business exist.

Invest in Diversity and Inclusion Training

Employees need to identify unconscious bias and learn how to be more aware of the impact of their words and actions on others. For example, racial bias can impact how employees interact with clients and customers of color. One of the best ways to ensure that your real estate business is inclusive is to invest in diversity and inclusion training for your employees. Unconscious bias training can help employees be more aware of their personal biases and how they might affect their work. This type of training can also help employees understand why creating a diverse and inclusive environment is important and how to do it.

Make Your Office Accessible

If your office is not accessible, it can be difficult for people with physical disabilities to enter and move around the space. This can make it difficult or impossible for them to work for you or do business with you. This will also make your company non-compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Make your office accessible by adding features such as ramps, automatic doors, and Braille signage. If your office is not currently accessible, it’s important to make changes as soon as possible.

Invest in Inclusive Technology

The use of technology is now extensive in the real estate business. Many interactions are done online. Americans with various disabilities, however, have different limitations that can affect how they are able to use these technologies. A real estate business must, therefore, invest in technologies that are inclusive.

For instance, people who are hearing impaired will not be able to hear the voice-overs in videos showing real estate properties. They will also not be able to communicate through calls. By investing in computer software for hearing impaired people, a real estate business can ensure that every interaction and video production is translated into visual text.

There must be corresponding technology that translates all visual data into Braille or audio to serve people who are visually impaired. This could be done through the use of screen-reading software or Braille displays. By investing in inclusive technology, a real estate business can make sure that everyone has the same opportunities to access their services.

Person in wheelchair using accessibility ramp

Market Only Inclusive Properties

If you market properties that are not inclusive, it will give the impression that your company does not care about catering to people with disabilities. This can be a turn-off for potential clients, customers, and employees. Make sure that you market only inclusive properties and include information about the accessibility features in the listing. For instance, if a property has an elevator, make sure to mention it. You should also list the number of wheelchair-accessible units in the building.

Communicate Your Commitment to Inclusion

Your employees and clients need to know that your company is committed to creating a diverse and inclusive environment. One way to communicate this is by developing a diversity and inclusion statement. This is a short document that outlines your company’s commitment to these values. It can be as simple as a paragraph or two. You can include this statement on your website, in your employee handbook, and in other company communications.

Inclusion statements should be updated regularly to reflect the evolving needs of your business and employees. This will show that your company is committed to being an inclusive environment that respects and values the diversity of its employees and clients.

Prioritize Inclusivity and Prosper

Creating a diverse and inclusive environment in your real estate business should be a top priority. It is the right thing to do and can be good for business. Make your office more accessible, invest in inclusivity training and inclusive technology, market only inclusive properties, and communicate your commitment to inclusion. Implementing these strategies will help your business grow and succeed while making a positive impact on the community.

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