Handling Commercial Property Maintenance for a Growing Business

• Create a regular inspection, cleaning, and maintenance schedule to keep the office running efficiently. 

• Utilize technology such as software, apps, and tracking systems for efficient management of the property. 

• Assign one person in charge of monitoring maintenance regularly to address any potential problems. 

• Hire a professional team or third-party provider to manage property maintenance without an overwhelming workload. 

If you are an entrepreneur, you know the feeling of success when your business begins to grow. However, with growth comes responsibility—you must ensure that your commercial property maintenance is up to par. But finding time to manage your property maintenance can be difficult when you are so busy. Thankfully, there are a few steps you can take to ensure that your commercial property maintenance is taken care of properly.

Have a Routine and Stick to It

It is important to have regular and consistent inspections and cleaning of all aspects of the property, indoors and outdoors. Ensure employees are also aware of these routines, so everyone has a part in keeping the property clean and organized. This will help keep the office running smoothly and efficiently at all times, even during periods of rapid growth. Here are ways to stick to the routine:

Create a Schedule

This means having a regular cleaning and inspection schedule that you and/or a professional should do. It is important to have a schedule that everyone in the office follows, especially when you have delegated specific tasks to every employee.

Track Progress

It is important to keep track of your maintenance progress to ensure that everything is being done correctly. Create a logbook or tracking system to document the completion of tasks and deadlines for future projects. This will help you stay organized and on top of any potential problems with your property maintenance before they become bigger issues.

Have One Person in Charge of Monitoring

Having a point of contact in charge of monitoring maintenance regularly can help you stay on top of any issues that may arise. This person should be able to quickly address any problems and ensure that the property runs smoothly.

Utilize Technology for Efficient Management

Technology makes every task more efficient, and property maintenance is no exception. It allows every business owner to manage their property easily and conveniently. You can opt to use the following technology for ease of property management:

Software for Managing Your Budget

Software such as Buildium or Cozy can help you manage your budget for property maintenance. It allows you to track expenses, compare vendors, and create a plan for managing costs associated with your property. Using either software can ease the burden of keeping your property budget in check.

Software for Tracking Progress

Software such as TenantCloud or Property Meld can help you manage your property in one place. This software helps track maintenance tasks, schedules, and deadlines while providing detailed reports on the progress of each task.

Mobile Apps for Scheduling Maintenance

A businessman checking his mobile phone while busy doing something on his laptop

When you are always on the go, having a mobile app for your property maintenance can help save time. Apps such as HomeKeepr or Property Fixer make it easier to schedule maintenance tasks and keep track of progress from anywhere with an internet connection.

Hire a Professional Team

Depending on the size and scope of your business, hiring an experienced team or third-party provider may be necessary to properly manage your property maintenance needs without becoming overwhelmed by the workload or taking away from other tasks associated with running a successful business. Professional teams can include the following:

Property Management Companies

Commercial property management companies can provide maintenance, repairs, cleaning, and inspections. They also offer preventive maintenance and can monitor any potential issues with your property. Hiring them will help you focus on your business’s success while assuring that your property maintenance is in good hands.

Maintenance Professionals

Hiring qualified professionals, such as plumbers or electricians, is important for any repairs and maintenance needs on your property. These repairs and maintenance are critical to keeping your property in good condition. Ensure you hire a professional with the right qualifications and experience for the job.

Cleaning Professionals

Cleaning professionals working on an office space

Keeping your office space clean is important to maintaining your commercial property. Hiring a cleaning professional can take away the burden of keeping up with regular maintenance, giving you more time to focus on running your business.

Having a growing business is an exciting milestone, but the responsibility of properly managing your commercial property maintenance comes with it. By following these steps, you can ensure that your business is running smoothly while also having peace of mind that everything is up to par. With the right plan, you can ensure your property runs like a machine.

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