Disaster Management: Saving Your Business from Calamities

Disasters can strike businesses unexpectedly and can take in almost any shape or form. A perfect example would be this pandemic, a hurricane, a wildfire, or even a massive earthquake. Mother nature is as beautiful as she is unpredictable. Natural disasters not only prevent employees from getting work done, but it also makes profit recovery an enormous undertaking.

However, all hope is not lost. When major calamities hit, there are precautions and protocols that companies can follow to prevent significant losses and recover. A disaster calamity plan can put your business back on track even during the crisis. Here’s how we can avoid any further damage to our business and safeguarding the lives of your workforce.

Plan Out a Work-from-Home strategy

One of the most significant constraints for employees and managers during this pandemic is the social-distancing protocols. Companies (if possible) need to develop a clear plan to get tasks done out of the office, allowing employees to work from their own home’s comfort.

Of course, there are advantages and disadvantages to getting work done at home, such as limit access to company assets and resources, which could take a toll on overall company productivity. However, if the work-at-home strategy gets appropriately implemented, company productivity can increase.

Other times, companies will opt to rent or use a shared office since it’s the right way of emulating the office environment while having the necessary equipment for work.

Make Employee Safety a Priority

There is nothing more demoralizing for an employee going through a natural disaster than feeling like they’re a little cog in a massive corporate machine. Computers, equipment, and documents are replaceable; people and their loyalty can’t be. Ensure that your employees know that their safety and well-being are the company’s number one concern.

Employee morale is important during a natural disaster. The last thing you want to happen is to lose employees because they are dissatisfied with how the company dealt with the crisis. Open up a communication line through your employees’ cellphone and contact information and record their emergency contact details.

Different departments and teams should have a primary go-to person to inform when they cannot perform the tasks given to them or if they are in an emergency that prevents work.

Take Advantage of What Your State Provides

Many states like California provide multiple disaster recovery funds that your employees and your company can take utilize. Knowing your state benefits could be the difference between success and ruin for your company and your employees. Go the extra mile to prepare the paperwork for your affected employees.

Backup Company Data

It’s essential that company’s back up their data through local hard drive and cloud storage. Backing up company data allows your employees and managers to access vital data necessary to function quickly. This method is one of the most easily overlooked factors of disaster planning and one of the most important ones to take the time to integrate.

Companies on a budget can back up their data via a cheap hard drive or through iCloud or GoogleDrives, which provide easy and free access to company data online. Make sure to regularly back up your company data, usually every other week, or every four days.

Get Calamity Insurance

An insurance policy is one of the best investments a company can get for its overall well-being. Insurance can save your company thousands, if not millions of dollars in disaster repairs. Insurance also helps your company get back on its feet faster due to the considerable boost in its financial aid.

Reassure Customers and Stakeholders

updating social media

The first step that companies must take is to update their website or social media. Doing so lets their customers know that even though their functions might be limited due to the natural disaster, they can still handle their orders/concerns.

Stakeholders must be informed of the extent of the damage and the feasibility of continuing business amidst the crisis. Transparent communication between your customers and stakeholders is essential to boost their trust and brand loyalty.

Know Which Vendors Are Still Functional

Knowing which critical vendors are still functional amidst the natural disaster can give you a clear idea of which business opportunities are still available and give you an idea of what capacity the company can function.

This information can be used to reorganize and re-prioritize company goals to reach a stable and sustainable way of conducting your business.

Companies, big or small, need to prepare for a disaster even before it happens. A closer look will show that companies who have plans in place are still thriving even amidst a pandemic. Of course, it is also equally important for companies to adapt to any situation.

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