The Four Cheapest and Easiest Home Services to Start This Year

Starting your own business can be a daunting task. But it doesn’t have to be! There are several businesses you can start without breaking the bank. Most of these are found in the multi-billion dollar home services industry. Here are some businesses you can begin within that industry.

Cleaning services

Cleaning services have reached an all-time high because of the pandemic. The market is now worth over $300 billion, with much more room to grow.

This is a great business to start if you’re looking for something with low overhead costs. All you need to get started is basic cleaning supplies and a few customers. You can advertise your services online or through word-of-mouth. And once you get started, you can hire additional staff as your business grows. Here are some additional things you need when starting a cleaning service business:

  • A business license

    You’ll need to register your business with the government. This is typically done through your state’s Secretary of State office.

  • Insurance:

    You’ll need liability insurance to protect your business from potential lawsuits.

  • A website or social media profile:

    Creating an online presence will help you attract more customers.

  • Cleaning supplies:

    You’ll need basic cleaning supplies like vacuum cleaners, mops, and buckets.

  • Transportation:

    You’ll need a way to get to and from your cleaning jobs. This can be a car, bike, or even public transportation.

Cleaning services are a great way to start the home services industry. They’re easy to set up, and you can start with little to no money.

Lawn care services

Lawn care is another essential service that has seen immense growth in recent years. The industry is now worth over $72 billion and is expected to continue growing. There are various sub-markets in lawn care. Here are some of the easiest to enter:

Garden Design

Unkept gardens can decrease property value. That’s why many businesses and consumers are looking for local garden design services. These services cover anything from planning and planting to watering and maintenance. This is considered to be an essential service in any property.

To start, all you need is a bit of knowledge about plants and garden design. You can get started by advertising your services online or through word-of-mouth. You can also offer free consultations to potential clients to show them what you can do.

Lawn Mowing

Lawn mowing is one of the most popular services in the lawn care industry. This is a great way to get started in the industry because it requires little to no experience. All you need is a lawn mower and some basic gardening equipment. You can advertise your services online or through word-of-mouth.

As your business grows, you can hire additional staff to help with the workload. You can also offer other services like leaf removal, hedge trimming, and garden maintenance.

A woman watching over a cat

Pet sitting services

If you love animals, pet sitting might be the perfect business for you! All you need to get started with basic pet care supplies and a few customers. You can promote your pet sitting business online or through word-of-mouth advertising. And as your business grows, you can hire additional staff to help with the workload. Here are some essentials you need when starting a pet sitting service:

  • Pet care supplies:

    You’ll need basic pet care supplies like food, water bowls, leashes, and toys.

  • Insurance:

    You’ll need liability insurance to protect your business from potential lawsuits.

  • A website or social media profile:

    Creating an online presence will help you attract more customers. Join a group with pet owners and watch your audience grow.

  • Transportation:

    You’ll need a way to get to and from your pet sitting jobs. This can be a car, bike, or even public transit. You might also have to bring some pets to vets making this an essential investment.

Pet sitting is a great way to start the home services industry. It’s easy to set up, and you can start with little to no money.

Errands and odd jobs services

Do you consider yourself a Jack or Jill of all trades? If so, starting errands and odd jobs service might be the perfect fit for you! All you need to get started is some reliable transportation and a few customers who need help with tasks like grocery shopping, laundry, or general home maintenance chores. You can advertise your services online or through word-of-mouth advertising. And as your business grows, you can hire additional staff to help with the workload.

Starting a home service business is an excellent option if you’re looking for an easy and affordable way to become your boss! You can start several businesses without breaking the bank; all it takes is some essential equipment and a few customers who need your help! So what are you waiting for? Get out there and start building your empire today!

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