Business Trends That Will Continue to Shape the Future

The year 2020 became synonymous with a year of uncertainty as the pandemic reshaped life as people know it. Most aspects of people’s lives—from plans to businesses—were altered and changed. It seems there is no sign that life will go back to its pre-pandemic state anytime soon. Because of these changes, trends are emerging now and then, allowing everyone to adapt to the current situation, hence the new normal.

Business Trends That Will Shape The Future

Living in uncertain times since 2020 has become the norm for many people. Like the saying goes that the only constant thing is change. This saying can’t be more apt as the recent global events besides the pandemic keep changing every aspect of everyone’s lives in many ways.

As for businesses—whether for big companies like the travel and tourism industry or small ones like water softener installation providers, for example—they have experienced trends that have come and gone since 2020. While most of these trends will likely stay while the pandemic is still not over, here are some you should expect to be part of life in the new normal until the foreseeable future:

1. The Rise of Hybrid of Offline and Online Work

As the vaccination drives and dropping cases of infections allowed many businesses to shift from remote working to in-person work again slowly, it is still very uncertain if the entire workforce will go back to the office for several reasons. Hence, a combination of employees who work in both locations. These days, it’s prevalent to have work meetings where half the employees are in a conference room, while half are in their own homes.

According to research, remote working lowers company costs while giving workers a more flexible workload, thus increasing their productivity. Due to these advantages, remote working will likely continue to be a trend until most countries achieve an acceptable level of herd community. And possibly even after that.

2. The Rise of Contactless Delivery

As the world struggles to contain more outbreaks due to COVID-19’s highly infectious nature, it has disrupted many aspects of the business industry, causing many to close for several months. These events led to a rise in delivery services, which are still a risk of spreading the virus. Thus, contactless delivery became a trend. It’s a trend that allows delivery workers to leave parcels on doorsteps, which isn’t anything new. But since artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming more ubiquitous, some delivery services incorporated them.

Since the pandemic is still far from being over, contactless deliveries becoming a standard will not end any time soon. They will even continue to use other methods like drones and other autonomous vehicles and AI technologies.

parcel delivery

3. The Rise of Small Businesses

Another major crisis that has been on every news outlet is the climate crisis. The link between big companies and the rising carbon emissions has caused many to reevaluate their shopping routines and make more informed choices by supporting small and sustainable businesses.

Supporting small businesses can also be a revolutionary way of building communities, localizing more significant issues like the climate crisis. This shift in people’s shopping choices can prompt a more considerable change as more realize that the small businesses in their local communities are the backbone of the economy. These entrepreneurs are also the ones who are working hard to bring green products and eco-friendly services to the consumer’s consciousness. And based on the current trends, it’s going to look like the succeeding years will continue to become promising for small businesses.

4. The Rise of Digital and Influencer Marketing

More people rely on the internet than watch television or read the newspaper. In effect, digital and influencer marketing will continue to grow and be a considerable force in the marketing sphere. More than half of the global population has internet access. A vast percentage of these people spend time on their social media, where they will likely see ads and posts from the influencers they follow that will influence their consumption behavior.

These newer trends in digital marketing will not go anywhere in the future as it has proven to be a powerful tool in increasing brand awareness. It also makes the process of engaging with potential customers and purchasing easier. So, there is no doubt that digital marketing is here to stay and will reshape the future of the business industry.

As the current climate and health crises will continue to disrupt people’s pre-pandemic way of life, now is the most suitable time to be tapping into these trends if you’re an entrepreneur or planning to start a business. These might not be future-proof as everything is uncertain and unpredictable nowadays. But you can be sure that you will find a way for your business to thrive with these trends.

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