Breaking Bad: The 3 Worst Types of Homes (and How to Sell Them)

Sometimes, bad things happen, and you just end up having the worst house at the block. You probably were strapped for cash that you said yes to the property near the busy street or the noisy railroad tracks.

Or you needed to move in quickly that the house that had oddly-placed bedrooms was the most rational choice at the time. What’s important though was you made that bad house a home. What’s challenging is how exactly you can get it off your hands when you’re already ready to move forward.

If you happen to have one of these worst types of homes, keep reading to know the best practices for selling it:

A House in a Bad Neighborhood

Location, location, location is the mantra of buyers, so if your house is in a not-so-good area, you can’t expect a lot of people paying it a visit, let alone making offers. Now, what defines a bad location exactly (other than of course, the high crime rates)? Well, the noises are a factor.

If the area around your home is teeming with road rehabilitation or commercial space constructions, people will most likely avoid your neighborhood. Another factor in which a lot of sellers are surprised about is the proximity to a school.

Some think that it’s a plus, especially appealing to couples raising their families, but the truth is, being near campus means dealing with busy, heavy traffic in the mornings and afternoons. No one wants to deal with that kind of stress when you’re just starting your day or wanting it to end so badly.

The best way to secure a sale on your property with these conditions is to lower down the pricing. Know the average value in the market, so you can strategically make the reduction on your asking price. Ask a real estate agent about it.

A House with Bad Layout or Aesthetics

In other instances, it’s not the location that turns off buyers. It’s the actual property. For instance, it may have a bad layout. Hallways that are too narrow. Bedrooms that are placed on separate floor levels. Bathrooms that are in plain sight upon entrance. Or, it may have cosmetic booboos.

For example, popcorn ceilings, green carpets, or animal-print wallpapers. Believe it or not, these can equally break a potential sale. Now, the obvious solution here is to revamp the space. Tear down the walls, take the uglies out, and throw in some professional staging. Flash news, that’s going to cost you.

A lot. Don’t spend a single cent on renovations. If this crazy thought occurred to you — ‘I want to sell my ugly home’ — real estate experts in Franklin, Indiana, say it’s possible.

The strategy is to look for home buying companies. They can give you instant, good cash despite a property having bad layout or aesthetics.

A House in Bad Condition

house construction concept

Perhaps you finally were able to convince your hoarder relative to get some medical help and stay with you. Now that they’ve moved out, you’re left with a house that’s super trashed. Lots of clutter everywhere, cat-urine soaked walls and floors, broken glass windows.

There are lots of issues in this nightmare of a house. The obvious one is the seemingly insurmountable task of cleaning up litter. Going through all that stuff isn’t easy. There’s also the risk to your health.

Animal urine, for instance, contains ammonia, which can result in respiratory problems if you’re exposed for a long time. If you decide to renovate before selling, it’s important to work with professional cleaners to clear the space from potential health problems.

If you want to get this off your hands fast, there are real estate investors willing to buy such homes as it is. It’s a real struggle to be selling a bad house. But it’s possible to make that sale and get good money from it. You just have to have the right price, the right strategy, and the right people.

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