Personalised Your Business Emails with These 4 Techniques

Email marketing is one form of direct marketing that brings results to many businesses not only in London but also around the world. Based on 2018 data, this decades-old technique is still ranked as the most effective marketing channel. It tops SEO, social media, entre affiliate marketing, and other digital methods when it comes to effectiveness.

See? Email marketing still plays a significant role in your small business. To make the most out of your email marketing efforts, you have to personalise your content. According to statistics, personalised emails deliver 6x higher transaction rates than template ones.

When we say personalised, we mean going beyond including names in your message. There are far more effective techniques to personalise your email that will get you noticed. Here are four ways to do it.

Personalise location and time

One key to receiving a better response rate is to send emails at certain times of the day. With A/B testing, find out what time of the day are your audience most active online. Do they response at 8:00 am before they proceed with work, or do they prefer a 5:00 pm schedule when their shift is over? Sending emails at their most responsive time deliver desired results.

However, if your subscribers are from all over the world, sending emails at the same time won’t give you the optimum result. If this is the case, segment your audience based on their location and time zones. Find out which time of the day works best for each location. Then, send emails at a personalised time.

Automate for triggered campaigns

Send emails based on how your audience behaves on your website. This method is called triggered campaigns. Triggered campaigns are real-time series of emails that you send after a user takes action or reaches an important milestone. Compared to traditional emails, triggered emails have a 152% higher open rate.

For example, one customer purchased a product from your website. You can set an automated email to send him a thank you note right after a successful purchase. You can include the name of the product to make it personalise and even add similar items that he might be interested in.

man doing email marketing concept

Pair it with landing pages

Personalisation doesn’t end with your email alone. Make sure that the landing page matches the personalised content of your email. Both your email and landing page should have a consistent copy and look, with the same personalised call-to-action. This increases your success rate further.

This technique allows your readers to focus on your message. It creates a streamlined flow for the customer’s journey and eliminates the confusion for a clearer conversation.

Add a human face to your business

Aside from personalising based on your customers’ data, you can also personalise your brand. Instead of using your company email to send messages, you can use your personal email to make the communication more personal. This gives a human face to your brand.

In an experiment conducted by HubSpot, they sent two emails from different senders. One was using the company email, and one was from someone on their marketing team. They found 0.73% click-through-rate for the email from the company, whereas the personal email generated 0.96% clicks.

Email marketing can be one key to the success of your small business. To get the maximum result, personalise your email using the abovementioned techniques. This will let you stand out from the piles of emails your audience receives daily.

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