How to Keep Your Farm Productive

Are you a small farmer struggling to grow your farming business? You are not alone. Around the world, farming is a demanding job and requires a lot of patience. Though now private farmers are decreasing in numbers, they can still earn bountiful harvests with the help of the right equipment. Any farmer should be able to increase your yield if they do the following things.

Invest in proper farming tools and equipment

Do not overlook the importance of having the necessary farming tools and equipment. You should choose the right farm equipment depending on the kind of product you have on your farm. For corn and wheat, you might need a combine, tiller, drill and planter.

If you have a tree plantation, it is best to purchase fruit pickers or platform lifts that will help you harvest your produce. Though many farmers often choose to hire manual labor during harvest time, a fruit picker will be a dependable alternative.

But if you want equipment to help you move around, you can look for farm quads for sale in your local area. This is an ATV that could move around different terrains, which makes it ideal for farms and ranches.

Meet other farmers

There is always power in numbers and this is more important for private farmers. You can go to a farming trade show and meet other farmers. You can learn from other farmers about new farm trends and news in the agriculture industry. Discussing this with other farmers encourages you to push through the difficult times.

Standardise your farm operations

man checking his crops

Just like every other business, establishing a system of operations makes work easy for everyone, especially you. Analyse your farm’s business prospects and set up standard procedures that will work best for your farm. Plan how you would conduct your farming maintenance and standardise it, so you can continue whatever the crop yield for the year.

Practice crop rotation

Farmers need to ensure that their soil remains healthy, but farming can use up soil’s nutrients and leave it barren and dry.  Add to this the adverse effect of climate change, and you might find yourself in bankruptcy.

One way to make sure that your soil remains healthy is to practice crop switching or rotation. This practice has been used for hundreds of years and entails switching between two or three crops for planting on your farm. This practice is now more important as research has revealed the detrimental effect of climate change on soil health.

Some farmers also use two-field or three-field systems. In this way, they raise three crops at the same time, but will be switched once harvested.  Crops that deplete soil nutrients like cotton, are partnered with crops like peas and peanuts enrich them once again. Switching these crops will ensure that the soil will be restored of its lost nutrients, and you will continue producing a high yield.

Farming is still the foundation of the world’s food supply, and it is no wonder that scientists and the agriculture industry are trying to find ways on how innovations in technology and equipment could help farmers.

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