Home Maintenance Before Spring

Spring is the perfect time to prepare your home for the warmer months ahead. The list of chores is endless but if you start doing and checking them off one by one, you’ll be rewarded with a safe and comfortable home for the following months. So here are a few essential things you should do before spring arrives.

1. Clean out your gutters

Because of all the leaves and other debris that accumulates over the winter, your gutters will probably be clogged. If water can’t flow through them, it will end up spilling over the edge of the gutter and down the side of your house — causing damage to both the walls and the foundation. Cleaning out your gutters is a quick and easy job, and it’s definitely worth doing to prevent any expensive repairs down the line.

2. Check your roof

The winter weather can take a toll on your roof, so it’s a good idea to check for any damage or leaks before the rain and snow start pouring in. If you do find any problems, make sure to get them fixed by your local roofing company as soon as possible to avoid any further damage.

3. Clean your windows

Windows that are covered in dirt and streaks can be a pain to clean, but it’s important to do so at least once a year. Not only will your view be much nicer, but you’ll also be able to see any potential problems with the windows (such as cracks or leaks) that need to be fixed.

4. Check your smoke detectors

It’s a good idea to test your smoke detectors every month to make sure they’re working properly. If they’re not, now is the time to replace them — before you may actually need them. Most of the time, you’ll only need to replace the batteries.

5. Paint your porch

If your porch is in need of a little TLC, now is the time to paint it. Not only will it make it look nicer, but it will also help to protect the wood from the elements. Of course, you can opt for a natural finish but paint may last longer for the hotter months.

6. Update your landscaping

Your garden probably looks a little bit sad after the winter, but it’s not too late to give it a makeover. Add some new plants, trim back the trees and bushes, and add some decorative touches to make your garden look its best. There are some points to remember when landscaping during winter to avoid damaging your plants. But you can be assured your plants will grow and bloom again just in time for spring.

maintaining HVAC system

7. Check your HVAC system

The colder months can be hard on your HVAC system, so it’s a good idea to give it a check-up before the weather starts to warm up. If there are any problems, get them fixed now so you don’t have to deal with them later on in the year.

8. Clean your windowsills

Windowsills can easily become cluttered with all sorts of junk – especially during the winter. Clean them up now so you’ll have a place to put your plants and flowers later on in the spring.

9. Declutter your home

The winter is a great time to do some much-needed decluttering. Get rid of any unwanted or unused items, and organize the rest of your belongings so they’re easier to find and use.

10. Check your insurance policy

It’s a good idea to review your home insurance policy every year and make sure you’re still fully covered. If you have any questions or concerns, contact your insurance company and get them sorted out before anything happens.

11. Make a disaster preparedness plan

Disasters can happen at any time, so it’s important to be prepared. Make a plan now for what you would do in the event of a fire, tornado, hurricane, or other natural disasters. If you have pets, make sure you include them in your plan as well. And don’t forget to have a backup plan in case your first one doesn’t work out.

12. Clean your chimney

If you haven’t used your fireplace in a while, it’s a good idea to have a professional clean your chimney. This will help to prevent any fires from happening, and it will also keep the chimney in good condition.

13. Enjoy the warmer weather!

Once you’ve completed all of these tasks, sit back and relax – knowing that your home is ready for the spring season. Enjoy the warmer weather while it lasts!

Now that you’ve read our list of home maintenance tasks to do before spring, it’s time to get started! Tackle one task at a time and you’ll be ready for the warmer weather in no time. Just remember to put up safety measures when cleaning and repairing to avoid accidents during your home maintenance.

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