Entrepreneurs With a FOMO at Work Suffers These Health Problems

Do you have a fear of missing out (FOMO)? If so, you’re not alone. A recent study found that nearly half of all entrepreneurs suffer from FOMO to some degree. And while FOMO can help motivate people to take action, it can also have some negative consequences. This article will look at the effects of FOMO on entrepreneurs and offer some tips for dealing with it.

Oral Health Problems

One of FOMO’s most common health problems is poor oral health. This is because people who suffer from FOMO are often so focused on their work that they neglect to take care of their teeth and gums. As a result, they may develop gum disease or other oral health problems.

You must visit a dentist’s office regularly if you have FOMO or gum problems. The dentists can help inspect your oral health to identify any potential problems that can become severe if not taken care of. They can also offer you advice on how to better take care of your oral health while staying focused on your work.

Anxiety and Depression

A new study has found that entrepreneurs with FOMO are more likely to suffer from anxiety and depression.

The University of Queensland study surveyed over 1,000 entrepreneurs and found that those with FOMO were more likely to experience symptoms of anxiety and depression. The study’s lead author, Brittany Carter-Snell, said that the findings suggest that “entrepreneurs need to be aware of the impact that their work can have on their mental health.”

Carter-Snell also noted that the findings highlight the importance of taking breaks, setting boundaries, and seeking professional help if needed. “It’s important to remember that entrepreneurship is not a sprint. It’s a marathon,” she said. “And just like in any marathon, it’s important to pace yourself and take care of your mental and physical health.”


One of the biggest problems that entrepreneurs face is insomnia. Entrepreneurs are more likely to suffer from insomnia because of something called FOMO, or the Fear of Missing Out. Entrepreneurs are always worried that they’re missing out on opportunities, which can lead to them working all hours of the day and night. As a result, they don’t get enough sleep, leading to various health problems, including insomnia.

If you’re an entrepreneur suffering from insomnia, there are a few things you can do to help yourself. First, try to stick to a regular sleep schedule. Go to bed at the same time every night and get up at the same time every morning. This will help your body get into a rhythm and make it easier to fall asleep. Second, cut back on caffeine.

A woman not able to sleep due to insomnia

Caffeine can keep you awake and make it difficult to fall asleep. Third, avoid working in bed. If you work in bed, your brain will associate your bed with work, and this will make it harder to fall asleep. Finally, try some relaxation techniques before bedtime. This could include reading, listening to music, or taking a bath.

Weight Gain

The research, which the University of Southern California conducted, found that entrepreneurs who constantly feel the need to be in the know are more likely to make unhealthy choices when it comes to food.

Author Emily Fitzgibbons Pan said that FOMO could make entrepreneurs feel like they’re not doing enough or missing out on opportunities. This can lead to workaholism, which can, in turn, lead to weight gain. “We found that people who have a lot of FOMO around work are more likely to make unhealthy food choices,” she said. “They’re also more likely to snack and eat larger portions.”

The study suggests that entrepreneurs must find a healthy balance between work and play to avoid weight gain. So if you’re an entrepreneur who feels like you’re always missing out, take some time for yourself and indulge in some self-care.

Heart Disease

The US National Library of Medicine recently found that at work, entrepreneurs with a Fear of Missing Out, or FOMO, are more likely to suffer from heart disease. The research, conducted over ten years, looked at the health records of nearly 5,000 self-employed adults and found that those with higher levels of FOMO were more likely to have high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

While it did not definitively prove that FOMO causes heart disease, the researchers believe that the stress associated with constantly worrying about missing out on opportunities can lead to health problems over time. And while there is no easy fix for FOMO, recognition is the first step.

So there you have it: seven health problems caused by FOMO. If you suffer from FOMO, it’s important to seek help and take steps to reduce your stress. There are several effective treatments for FOMO, so don’t suffer in silence. Seek help and get the treatment you need.

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