Color Psychology: The Influence of Color on Perception and Emotion

Colors can be used to help individuals reach their goals. It doesn’t matter if they’re used to design a home, office, or a retail space. Color is used to influence behavior and emotion to various extents. Incorporated into design, color psychology can change worker productivity and consumer shopping behavior.

Perception of Temperature

Painted walls can significantly affect an individual’s perception of the room’s temperature. Warmer colors like red, orange, and yellow allow people to think the temperature is warmer than it is. In contrast, cool colors like blue, green, and light purple encourage people to think a place is colder than it is.

This principle can be maximized through design. Homeowners will be able to save on heating and cooling costs by painting their entryway depending on where they live. If they live in a cold environment, they can paint their room a warm color to give the perception of heat. This way, they can reduce heating costs and lower the temperature by a few degrees.

Emotional Responses

Color can evoke emotional responses in the same way. There aren’t universal truths about color, as different cultures have their own perceptions about specific colors. Personal histories and past experiences can also influence an individual’s emotional response to a color.

However, there are still some generalities or commonalities between positive emotions and colors. Designers can use this to affect their moods when they’re in a particular space.

Specific Colors

swatches of colors being shown

The simple color on a wall can have far-reaching effects that can influence thoughts, emotions, and perceptions. Before you start on a painting business, consider the colors that your customers may be most appreciative of, and help them decide on those that will help them accomplish their goals.

Green – Research has found a connection between green and broad, creative thought. There’s also an association between nature and re-growth, so individuals exposed to a green space often experience increases in productivity.

Red – The color red can turn reactions faster and more forceful. It provides short bursts of energy. But it also temporarily reduces the ability to think analytically. For instance, students may perform worse when exposed to red just before a test or a competition. It’s generally not a helpful color to promote concentration and focus.

Blue – Blue is the color most often picked as a favorite. This may be because it is commonly seen as a color of the sky or a watering hole. On an office building or in a public space, blue can work to satisfy the color preferences of the majority.

Yellow – This isn’t a color typically used to appeal to a large number of people. It’s one of the least likely favorite colors. As such, negative emotions and thoughts could arise when they’re painted on public spaces.

Orange – Orange is a color commonly associated with good, affordable value. This is why retailers may decide to incorporate this color into their brand.

Pink – The color pink, on the other hand, can drain people of their energy. People exposed to pink will calm down and become relaxed. It can be a helpful tool for mediation conversations or meetings that can quickly become heated.

White – White is a simple and traditional color that exudes a modern appeal. The monochromatic look can encourage individuals to reflect inwardly and to their own thoughts. But a white wall lacks stimulation so much so that it can distract people from a particular task and allow their mind to wander.

Well-picked colors can boost ideation and turn focus to the right direction. They can be changed and repainted to reflect changing desires.

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