Boost Your Company’s Positive Image with Relevant Themes and Principles in Commercial Landscaping

Conveying the right message is a priority if you want your company to stand out from the competition. Expressing your vision through images may not be as challenging as trying to send the same message with the grounds around the building. You can let potential clients know that you are a forward-thinking organization with a poster or print advertisement. However, can you make a similar statement with a lawn and garden?

Building a brand with landscaping

Yes, you can very well use landscape elements to express your vision and mission. Well, probably not you per se, but a professional commercial landscape maintenance crew with years of experience of designing and setting up company lawns that convey a specific message.

With the right design, a lawn can be soothing and healing,. With specific choices, the yard in your office can present an image of professionalism. A lawn can be made to look edgy and fun. It can also be laid out and prepared to look austere and severe. How your landscape looks to other people is what you have to decide carefully because they will be judging your brand even before they enter the premises.

Going local and choosing sustainability

Some of the top trends that peaked in the past year are still defining landscaping projects at the start of 2019. A landscaping professional can provide valuable advice on themes that will resonate with your brand. While you explore possibilities, allow us to present the merits of going local and choosing sustainability— a theme embraced by many organizations these days.

Going local

Commercial Landscape of a Building

Our argument favors choosing native plants. If you want to make a good impression on the local community, then it makes sense to patronize what local gardeners have to offer. Moreover, selecting native plants gives you the edge in that these plants have an advantage over foreign species that have only been recently introduced. They are hardy against diseases and local pests, and they are already attuned to soil and climate conditions. You end up worrying less that they will wilt under the sun in a heat wave or not bear flowers in an extended cold snap. Choosing local plants is a smart and practical move.

Choosing sustainability

Sustainability is another principle we wish to expound on, particularly in water usage. Water conservation must already be part of the landscape design, given the call for responsible water use. There are various areas to consider. Landscape design for efficient water use must figure importantly in laying out the hardscape. In addition, choosing plants that are not water-dependent can ease the burden on potentially limited water resources. Make your landscaping both lovely and functional with water-wise features. You may not be located in a drought-prone area, but having an adequate water supply does not give you the right to waste a precious natural resource.

A lawn or yard that is beautiful to look at can also serve as a springboard for a public drive on your company’s principles and ideals. Choose the right theme and landscaping features to send a message. Maximize the positive impact of your natural surroundings for the benefit of your brand awareness campaign.

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