Different Types of Workplace Wellness Programs to Incorporate in Your Office

It is no secret that the American workplace needs some serious TLC. According to a study by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, workers who reported feeling healthy and safe at work also reported higher levels of productivity, engagement, and satisfaction.

Fortunately, employers can implement many types of workplace wellness programs to boost employee morale and improve workplace safety. Here are a few examples:

On-Site Fitness Facilities and Classes

According to the International Labor Organization, physical activity can help reduce absenteeism by 20%. Providing on-site fitness facilities or classes can encourage employees to be more active and promote a culture of wellness in the workplace.

Fitness challenges and competitions are also a great way to get employees moving and engaged. For example, employers can host a “biggest loser” style competition or a company-wide step challenge.

Outdoor Activities

Incorporating outdoor activities into workplace wellness programs is a great way to move employees and improve mental health. This can be something as simple as encouraging employees to walk during breaks or as big as organizing a vacation trip. Here are some outdoor activities you can manage:

Host Walking or Biking Meetings

Every employer conducts meetings with their employees to discuss different things, including particular projects or business development. What if you take these meetings outdoors and host a walking or biking meet. This will help everyone to reduce stress and be more productive.

Organize a Company-Wide Picnic

A picnic is an excellent way for employees to socialize outside of work. You can either take them on a campaign night, a trek or a cruise. Organizing a campaign or trek will be easier, but your employees will be delighted if you go for a cruise party. So if you are planning to go for the latter one, hire a bucks party cruise based on the number of employees and take them on a joyous adventure. This will help them build relationships and create a sense of community within the workplace.

Healthy Eating Initiatives

Healthy eating is an essential part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Employers can promote healthy eating by providing healthy food options in the vending machines and cafeteria, hosting cooking classes, or starting a company-wide weight loss challenge.

Encouraging employees to eat healthily can help improve productivity, engagement, and satisfaction levels.

Set Up Outdoor Workstations

Working in an office all day can be draining both mentally and physically. If possible, set up outdoor workstations where employees can take calls, have meetings, or work outdoors. This will allow them to get some fresh air and Vitamin D, which has been shown to improve mood and cognitive function.

Employee Assistance Programs

Employee assistance programs (EAPs) offer confidential counseling services to employees struggling with some issues. EAPs help with both personal and work-related issues. These programs can help employees deal with problems including stress, anxiety, substance abuse, etc.

Young Woman Having Counselling Session

EAPs are often underutilized by employees, so it is essential to make sure that workers are aware of the available resources. Employers can promote EAPs through workplace posters, emails, or announcements.

Mental Health Support Programs

According to the National Institute for Mental Health, nearly 1 in 5 adults in the United States live with a mental illness. Mental health problems can significantly impact work performance, so employers must provide support to employees who may be struggling.

There are many ways to do this, such as offering employee assistance programs (that we have discussed earlier), providing access to mental health resources, or offering stress management classes.

Your employees’ mental health has a significant impact on their productivity. If they struggle with their mental health, it will show in their work. As an employer, you have a responsibility to provide support and resources to employees who may be struggling. Hence, supporting employees’ mental health can help improve workplace safety, productivity, and overall morale.

Ergonomic Workspace Evaluations

An ergonomic workspace is designed to minimize strain and injury. Many employers are now offering ergonomic evaluations to employees to identify potential risks and recommend improvement.

These evaluations usually involve a certified occupational health specialist who will come to the workplace and assess the ergonomics of individual workstations. Recommendations for improvement may include changes to furniture, equipment, or work procedures.

These are some wellness programs you can incorporate. However, the best wellness programs are the ones that are tailored to fit the needs of your organization and employees. By taking into account the size, budget, and culture of your workplace, you can create a program that will be most effective for your employees.

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